I’m no scientist or mathematician, but if you take the Earth as being a sphere (360 degrees) and you divide that by 24 (hours in a day) you get 15 degrees /1 hour ... So the Earth then moves 15 degrees every hour to complete one rotation (1 day or 24 hours) So that means that if we have a one hour time change in sunrise, sunset, then we have had a 15 degree Earth shift.
I was talking with a friend and she said that the shift occurred on 2008 Dec 21 to Dec 23 so the change wasn’t sudden. I feel that it wasn’t noticed as during that time we also had several snow storms (Canada - US) and if it wasn’t storming, it was overcast... and then with it all happening during the Xmas hubbub, it wasn’t noticed...... and it appears it still isn’t being noticed my the masses...
Things that make you go Hummm?
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